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Custodianship Not Ownershit

As a participant in Canberra's recent Art of Hosting workshop - Conversations that Matter, I was introduced (among other things) to a great new word - ownershit (thanks Mel:). The word resonated with me immediately on a material level - the concept of possession having been a continual annoyance.

The context in which the use of 'ownershit' really got me though was that of intellectual property, not in a legal sense, but simply not being able to let go of an idea - and let it develop in the wider world. Like when a project becomes your 'baby' and you want to helicopter-parent it so much it cant grow up. In fact its bigger than just an idea of yours that you don't want someone else to do differently. Its because you can be so sure of your whole ideology, that you can't trust anyone else's to get it right.

I realised that this is the root of my judgemental reaction to just about everything that happens around me. I left the three day workshop by voicing this intention - Let go of ownershit of my ideology, and get a hold of custodianship of my community. When we take a look at our self from a cosmic perspective, we are a tiny speck in time and space, our role here is to take care of our part of the whole. 

To quote M.O.P. (quoting Too Short) - "one life to give in, get in where you fit in"


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